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The Vital Role of Laboratories in Groundwater Contamination Emergency Response

By John Gerken of Pace® Emergency situations often happen instantly, without warning, and in the event of groundwater contamination, the effects can be long lasting and widespread. With approximately 50 percent of U.S. drinking water coming from groundwater, the first hours or even minutes after an emergency arises are crucial in saving lives and protecting

The Vital Role of Laboratories in Groundwater Contamination Emergency Response Read More »

A Turning Point for PFAS

By Lindsay Boone of Pace® Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been making headlines because of their potential health risks and widespread presence in the environment. These “forever chemicals” are known for their resistance to degradation and their bioaccumulation in humans and other organisms. Landfills play a role in the life cycle of PFAS contamination,

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Pace® Announces Immediate Availability of PFAS Test Method ASTM D8421/EPA 8327

New method provides reliable results faster and at a lower cost MINNEAPOLIS (September 14, 2023) – Pace® Analytical Services, the preferred provider of regulatory testing and analytical laboratory services, announced today the availability of PFAS Test Method ASTM D8421/EPA 8327. This new test method applies to aqueous and solid sample material. “With the increasing focus

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Pace® Analytical Services Expands Laboratory Service Capabilities Across the Country

Recent acquisition of Alpha Analytical provides Pace® customers access to new specialty testing services for harmful contaminants in the environment. MINNEAPOLIS (August 30, 2023) – Pace® Analytical Services, the preferred provider of regulatory testing and analytical laboratory services, recently added new capabilities including advanced hydrocarbon analytical support and expanded sediment and tissue testing with the

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Pace® Analytical Services Opens Center of Excellence for Air Testing and Analysis

Largest air laboratory in the nation developed to increase capacity and reduce environmental impact MINNEAPOLIS, August 15, 2023 – Pace® Analytical Services, the preferred provider of regulatory testing and analytical laboratory services, announced today the opening of the largest air testing and analysis lab in the United States. Located at the Pace® National Center for

Pace® Analytical Services Opens Center of Excellence for Air Testing and Analysis Read More »