Informative Freeze Thaw Stability Testing
Prepare your product and packaging for freeze thaw cycling with stability studies powered by our expert team. The various environmental conditions your product is exposed to during shipping and storage have the potential to compromise overall stability and return it to the base state. Our team helps you predict possible outcomes by designing and executing freeze thaw studies, giving you confidence that your product will not be compromised by fluctuating temperatures.

Freeze Thaw Methods & Stability Studies
Freeze thaw studies are performed to determine the impact temperature changes have on your product stability and viability. These services are often paired with other available in-house testing options at the end of each cycle. Our experienced team works with you to design studies suitable to your products with the following considerations:
- Number of freeze/thaw cycles necessary
- Product specific temperatures for each cycle
- Corresponding analytical testing, as required
- Subsequent long term stability studies, as requested
Secure Data Accessibility
Analytical methods, including both the Client Laboratory Methods (CLM) and Laboratory Methods (LM), are available for your access and review in PacePort®. PacePort® is our secure client data access portal and web-based data delivery system where you have access to methods, specifications, stability protocols, pull schedules, stability reports, final reports, sample receipt data, instrument raw data, and additional information at any time, from any location.
The copies are offered in high-resolution and in color, giving your team easy and clear viewing. Scanned images are of sufficient quality that they are often used during quality and regulatory (US FDA) audits. The information available via PacePort® is thorough and complete, such that most, if not all, aspects of a data audit are available so your audit could be conducted remotely, guided by our Quality Assurance personnel.
Integrated Laboratory Services
When your team needs additional support, our scientists & professional services are ready. Our state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained experts add power to your project.